The Science of Propaganda & the Traditionalist Workers Party

The Science of Propaganda & the Traditionalist Workers Party

The Social Nationalist

by Eric Striker

Part II of Series on Black-Jewish Alliance Postponed due to real life activism taking up my time.

The spirit of the age and the lingering specter of sterile conservatism has led to the habit of humorless, soulless dry-facting. National dissidents have taken to Power Point presentations, academic postulation, the suit and the tie, the fancy $200 a plate venues. In America, Anglo-Saxon intellectual culture frowns upon popular means of morale mobilization, and despises agitating the emotions when seeking to battle lies. The assumption is that the cold hard facts are enough to neutralize monstrous Jewish libels and deceit, and deeper ideological and scientific work is needed as a reference point, but this will never be enough.

Did you know importing thousands of Somalians to Lewiston Maine will make it unlivable? Did you know blacks blow away all other races on gun crime, despite residing in cities with the strongest gun laws?

You probably did. But…

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National Review Journalist: Whites Must Die/Jews Are A Master Race

National Review Journalist: Whites Must Die/Jews Are A Master Race

The Social Nationalist

by Eric Striker

It’s Spring donation time at the National Review , and the infamous species of shameless Butt-Goy are spreading their ass cheeks wide enough to make Goatse cringe! With Jews leading the way in misanthropy-philanthropy, National Review careerist con-artists are ratcheting up the anti-white/pro-Jew rhetoric for a big pay day.

Back in March, Kevin D. Williamson came under fire for an explicitly anti-white, misanthropic article rationalizing the hardships of neo-liberal capitalism being unleashed on America’s white lower middle class by comparing those being economically disenfranchised as having “all the respect and wisdom of a stray dog”. Williamson tops his article off by saying specifically white, working class communities “deserve to die”, due to being economically “negative assets”. According to Williamson’s capitalist mindset, those who drive our trucks, grow our food and fight our wars are inferior and interchangeable cogs without dignity–not worthy of life.

A nation cannot survive on its own without workers (as Israel shows)…

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